2009-02-23 14:56:34 UTC
Once you are late once, you get a warning, you get one warning for each class. After the warning it is detentions. You can get a warning in two classes then be late in class A and get a lvl 1 detention. Then be late for class B and lvl 2 detention. Late again for any class and lvl 3. All the way to lvl 5.
lvl 1 is a Monday after school detention for 1 hour.
lvl 2 is a Wednesday after school detention for 1 and a half hours.
lvl 3 is a Thursday after school detention for 1 and a half hours.
lvl 4 is a Friday after school detention for 2 hours.
lvl 5 is a Saturday detention for 3 hours.
It resets every semester. And we can't study, do homework, read, or do anything during the detentions. Just sit and stare at the wall.
Is this fair?